Saturday, April 28, 2012


I took my little old lady friend Murdel to the Yosemite Sugar Pine Mountain Railroad yesterday, and we had a great time. We also managed to do some letterboxing, but we only found two out of the five that we searched for. Still, the weather was nice (kinda misty and cool,) and we saw some things out in the middle of nowhere that we don't see on a daily basis. Like a windmill, a burned out car, and a real live cowboy. Fun!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wanna go on a treasure hunt?

So, far I have personally introduced nine people to letterboxing. These are my neighbors, and I believe they are hooked. Maps and directions, clues, trail names, and artsy-crafty stamps and logbooks are just plain fun!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Great Old Place

Yes, it's been a while since I've posted something here. It happens.

I'm still letterboxing as much as I can, and while doing so, I found this great old place. You can bet one of my letterboxes will end up somewhere very near that chimney.