Saturday, June 18, 2011


I just found out about "letterboxing," and I'm excited to try it. Put simply, it's a treasure hunt in which you follow clues to find letterboxes that have been hidden. Inside these boxes is a rubber stamp and a notebook. You stamp their notebook with your own stamp, and then you stamp your own notebook with their stamp. Confused? Here's a link to letterboxing.

I'm going to Bass Lake tomorrow to see Dad for Father's Day, and guess what!?! There's two letterboxes hidden there! I wonder if I can drag my dad out on a treasure hunt.


  1. I just hid my first 3 boxes today!

  2. Fabulous! Unfortunately, there aren't many boxes in my area. So, I'm doing my best to plant as many as possible. I'm hoping that letterboxing will eventually catch on here.
